What Are Some Options For Alternative Courts in Oklahoma

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Alternative Courts in Oklahoma have gained popularity among most courts and State legislators. Its a part of a larger effort across the country towards criminal defense reform. In Oklahoma, as in many other states, alternative courts are specific court programs throughout the State and available for a verity of of crimes. Further, the alternative court programs’ intentions are to address the special needs of certain types of criminal defense offenders. These courts do not primarily focus on punishing defendants. Instead, they are here to rehabilitate offenders. Thus, this happens by helping to provide them with tools and resources to address underlying issues that may contribute to their criminal behavior.

Some Alternative Courts in Oklahoma

  1. Oklahoma Drug Court: Drug courts aim to help individuals with substance abuse issues by providing them with treatment, counseling, and support services as an alternative to incarceration. The focus is on helping participants overcome addiction and reducing the likelihood of reoffending. A primary goal ion drug court is to help defendants remain drug free. This happens while the program monitors participants abstention of drug and alcohol use.
  2. Mental Health Court: Mental health courts are for individuals with mental health disorders who have been charged with crimes. Subsequently, they aim to connect participants with mental health treatment and support services to address the underlying issues contributing to their criminal behavior. With the help of social workers and other community resources participants learn alternative ways of dealing with personal and financial issues.
  3. Veterans Court: Veterans courts are programs for military veterans in the criminal justice system. They focus on providing veterans with access to treatment, counseling, and support services specific to their needs. Although this specific court is for veteran’s, the vets have no requirements to have any combat experiences. The requirement is available to any service person that revived an honorable discharge from the military.
  4. DUI Court: DUI (Driving Under the Influence) courts target individuals charged with multiple DUI offenses. These programs often combine education, treatment, and monitoring to reduce the risk of repeat DUI offenses. Although This is a great option but its important to understand that DUI court requires absolute sobriety on the part of offenders. Additionally, this court does not not mean that you not required to get an interlock device in your vehicle.
  5. Family Drug Court: Family drug courts are designed to address cases involving parents who have substance abuse issues and are at risk of losing custody of their children. The goal is to provide support and resources to help parents overcome addiction and reunify with their children.
  6. Domestic Violence Court: Domestic violence courts handle cases involving allegations of domestic violence. These courts focus on holding offenders accountable for their actions. They do this while providing resources and interventions to address the underlying causes of abusive behavior. A domestic violence court requires anger management courses along with other requirements to limit violence against family members.
  7. Youthful Offender Court: Youthful offender programs are there for young adults and juveniles who are in the criminal justice system. The emphasis is on rehabilitation, education, and addressing the unique needs of young offenders. Its not uncommon for a minor who commits a crime to be charged with a felony as an adult. This alternative court is popular for those nearing adulthood but who still act with impulses of youth.
  8. Reentry Court: Reentry courts are to assist individuals who are returning to the community after incarceration. Further, these programs provide support and services to help reintegrate ex-offenders into society and reduce the likelihood of reoffending.

Purpose Of Alternative Courts in Oklahoma

The primary goal of alternative courts is to address the root causes of criminal behavior and reduce recidivism by providing defendants with the tools and support they need to lead law-abiding lives. While consequences and sanctions may still be part of these programs, the focus is on rehabilitation and addressing underlying issues, rather than solely punitive measures.

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Tulsa Alternative Court Attorneys Near You

When they charge someone with a crime in Oklahoma, there are solutions and options available for offenders. The State has made options available that are designed to do more than simply punish and jail offenders. In the past the district attorneys office viewed jail as the only option available and recommended jail time in many instances. If you have special needs and qualify alternatives courts may be for you. Get a free consultation with a criminal defense attorney at Kania Law Office 918.743.2233

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