Drug Court in Oklahoma and How It Works

Drug Court

Drug court is an alternative court program whose design is to handle cases involving non-violent drug and alcohol offenders in Oklahoma. These programs aim to address substance abuse issues through a combination of legal sanctions and treatment interventions. The purpose of the drug court program is to reduce jail time and offer an alterative to traditional sentencing for drug crimes or DUI crimes in Oklahoma. Getting a drug court recommendation is not a guarantee. It will depend on the kind of crime and the number of offenses a person has.

Getting Into A Tulsa Drug Court Program

  1. Voluntary Participation: Participation in a drug court program is usually voluntary. Defendants may choose to enter the program as an alternative to traditional criminal proceedings. The participation can be intense and takes a real dedication to getting clen and sober
  2. Intensive Treatment: Participants in drug court programs have a requirement to undergo intensive substance abuse treatment. This treatment may include counseling, therapy, drug testing, and other interventions. The intensity of the program is dependent on the county you are charged in. It will also depend on your level of addiction and the drug.
  3. Judicial Supervision: The alterative court judge closely monitors participants’ progress and compliance with program requirements. Regular court hearings are there to assess participants’ performance and address any issues. The court hearings are called reviews and are held dependent on the drugs involved. The supervision by the Judge may include regular meetings at court and will require you to participate.
  4. Sanctions and Incentives: Participants may face sanctions for non-compliance, such as increased court appearances or community service. If a participant continues to violate the rules of drug court they will be revoked. If this happens they are back in the system and may face actual jail time. Conversely, successful compliance usually results in incentives, such as reduced charges or earlier case resolution.

Important Steps That Should Be Considered

  1. Eligibility Assessment: Screening defendants is often there to determine their eligibility for the court program. Eligibility criteria may include a non-violent offense, a history of substance abuse, and a willingness to participate. A violent past will be one of the biggest factors that will stop you from getting in.
  2. Legal Representation: It’s must consult with a drug court attorney who can guide you through the process, explain your options, and advocate on your behalf. There are many different programs ranging from drug to mental health and veteran’s court.
  3. Expressing Interest: If you are eligible and interested in participating, you or your attorney may express your willingness to enter the drug court program. Sometimes this takes convincing. Although the program is as an alternative to jail this alterative isn’t always available.
  4. Court Approval: The judge will review your case and decide whether to admit you into the program. Once the district attorney and judge get behind the recommendation you meet the alternative court coordinator. If approved, you must adhere to the program’s requirements.

Why Do We Have Drug Courts in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma and across the United States, drug courts are there as an alternative approach to handling certain nonviolent drug offenses. They represent a recognition that substance abuse is a complex issue that requires a more holistic and treatment-oriented response, with the ultimate goal of helping individuals overcome addiction and reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens. Its thought that substance abuse court is a means of providing drug treatment over jail. By doing this the legislators believe that drug and alcohol court provides a hand up for those with addiction problems. Additionally the cost to Oklahoma tax payers reduces by keeping people out of jail and in society as functioning members of the community.

Oklahoma Alternative Court Attorneys You Can Count On

If you are facing a drug or alcohol charge in Oklahoma our Tulsa drug court attorneys can help you. Getting in the program and staying in the program is not a guarantee. The road out of jail and addiction is one that requires effort from both you and your drug court attorney. There are several programs out there and finding one that matches your needs is critical to success. Call the Tulsa criminal lawyers at Kania Law Office for a free consultation. 918.743.2233 or follow this link to ask a free legal question.

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