What is the Impact of Shared Custody on Child Support in Oklahoma

Impact of Shared Custody on Child Support

Shared custody has a significant impact when it comes to child support arrangements in Oklahoma. Understanding how the state calculates child support in shared custody scenarios is crucial for parents navigating custody agreements. This article explains how shared custody affects child support calculations and the legal factors involved.

Understanding Shared Custody

In Oklahoma, shared custody means that both parents have legal and/or physical custody of their child. Legal custody involves the right to make major decisions about the child’s life, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical custody pertains to where the child lives and the day-to-day care they receive. Shared custody can range from equal time with each parent to arrangements where one parent has primary physical custody while both parents share decision-making responsibilities.

Child Support Calculation in Shared Custody

Oklahoma uses the “Income Shares Model” to calculate child support, considering both parents’ incomes and the amount of time the child spends with each parent. Shared custody arrangements can significantly affect these calculations.

When parents share custody, the time each parent spends with the child directly influences the child support amount. Generally, the more time a parent spends with the child, the less child support they may have to pay. This approach recognizes that both parents share the financial responsibilities of raising the child.

Furthermore, the court combines both parents’ incomes to determine the total support needed for the child. Each parent is then responsible for a proportionate share of the child support based on their income and the amount of time they spend with the child. In shared custody situations, the court may adjust the basic child support obligation to reflect the shared expenses. For example, if both parents share custody equally, the court may reduce the higher-earning parent’s child support payments accordingly.

Example Calculation

To illustrate, consider Parent A, who earns $4,000 per month, and Parent B, who earns $2,000 per month. The combined monthly income is $6,000. Using the state’s guidelines, the court determines the total child support needed. If the child spends an equal amount of time with each parent, the court adjusts the child support amount to account for this.

Parent A, with the higher income, may be assigned a larger percentage of the total child support obligation but will pay less overall compared to a sole custody scenario because of the equal time share. Similarly, Parent B, with a lower income, will also have a reduced financial obligation under shared custody.

Legal Considerations

Several legal considerations impact child support in shared custody arrangements. First, the parenting plan, which must be approved by the court, outlines the custody arrangement and the time each parent spends with the child. This plan helps the court determine the appropriate child support amount.

Next, courts may deviate from standard child support guidelines if the shared custody arrangement warrants it. Factors such as the child’s needs, each parent’s financial situation, and other relevant circumstances can influence the court’s decision.

If significant changes occur, such as changes in income, either parent can request a modification of the order. The court will review the new circumstances and adjust the support amount as necessary.

Tulsa Shared Custody Lawyers

Shared custody in Oklahoma impacts child support calculations by considering the time each parent spends with the child and their respective incomes. The “Income Shares Model” ensures that both parents contribute fairly to the child’s upbringing, with adjustments made for shared custody arrangements. Understanding these factors and legal considerations is crucial for parents navigating custody and child support issues. If you need help, contact the Tulsa family lawyers at Kania Law Office by calling us at (918)743-2233 or online.

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