What Are My Options When The Custodial Parent Withholds Visitation in Oklahoma

Public Defender Appointed for Child

In the complex landscape of child custody law, few issues evoke more emotional turmoil and legal entanglements than disputes over child custody and visitation rights. Oklahoma has established laws and procedures to address these matters fairly and in the best interest of the child. However, when a custodial parent withholds visitation from the non-custodial parent, it can have serious consequences,…

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In Oklahoma, When Is Alimony Awarded, And If So, How Long Is It Awarded For?

When Is Alimony Awarded

When you’re going through a divorce in Oklahoma, understanding how alimony works and when alimony is awarded is important. Alimony, AKA spousal support, is a form of financial assistance that one spouse may be a requirement to provide to the other after the dissolution of marriage. The laws in Oklahoma cover when they award alimony, its duration and if it’s…

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How Do I Divorce A Spouse In Another State?

Divorce A Spouse In Another State

To divorce a spouse in another state or when you don’t know where they are certain things must be done first. Navigating through a divorce can be a challenging process with specific requirements. This is especially the true if your spouse resides in a different state. Its also true if you don’t know where your spouse lives so that you…

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Power Of Attorney Or Guardianship What’s The Difference in Oklahoma

Power Of Attorney Or Guardianship

The responsibility of caring for a loved one in need is both an honor and a challenge. In the state of Oklahoma, two primary legal avenues can be utilized to assist those who cannot independently manage their personal and/or financial matters due to illness, disability, or age: Power of Attorney (POA) and Guardianship. Below, we will delve deep into both…

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Do I Have To Allow Visitation To A Parent That Is Using Drugs And Alcohol in Oklahoma?

Parent That Is Using Drugs

A parent that is using drugs and alcohol in Oklahoma could lose visitation. Learning that your child’s parent is taking drugs can be distressing, particularly when the individual has visitation rights with your child. Per Oklahoma law, children have a right to communicate and visit with their family, kin, and community regularly, as long as the communication or visitation is consistent…

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Do Protective Orders Impact Child Custody Rights in Oklahoma?

Protective orders impact child custody rights in many ways. If you are ever in a situation where you are accused of violence, harassment or abuse towards your children or their other parent, you could be issued a Protective Order. The protective order could also come with potential criminal charges. This order might affect your ability to see your children and…

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Can I Get Joint Child Custody of My Kids in Oklahoma

Getting joint child custody in Oklahoma is a thing that if done correctly is your right. In the event of a divorce where minor children are involved, the family law courts in Oklahoma will focus on the child’s best interests while making custody decisions. The general view of the courts is that a child in this situation can benefit the…

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Child Custody Decisions in Tulsa Family Court

Child Custody Decisions in Tulsa Family Court are based on the best interest of the child. Although this seems obvious getting to the best interest of the child is hotly disputed. Whether the parents are married to each other or not who gets custody is often fought over. Our family law attorneys have done thousands of custody cases in Oklahoma…

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