As most people are aware, facing criminal charges is extremely difficult, and without proper representation, can have life-altering repercussions. However, trying to find the right criminal defense attorney can present several challenges. This at times, may influence people to act out of desperation and hire the first attorney that comes along.
It is important to realize that having a skillful attorney on your side can make a significant difference. In other words, working with an inexperienced attorney could end up costing you a significant amount of money and quite possibly, your freedom. Criminal Defense Attorney Requirements:
Make sure to do your homework. Regardless of the circumstances, do not allow yourself to get sucked in by overzealous marketing or empty promises. Review the attorney’s client testimonials. Also conduct some research online as to what others have to say about his or her legal services. As mentioned above, choosing an attorney with a solid reputation is critical to the outcome of your case.
Consult friends, families and/coworkers for a referral. If you feel comfortable, find out from those who are close to you if they can recommend an experienced criminal defense attorney. Most often, the best attorneys are those that have built their criminal law practices through referrals.
Make sure to hire an attorney that is upfront about his or her fees. Some attorneys charge their clients by the hour whereas others charge a flat rate. Be sure to know exactly how your attorney bills before signing a retainer form.
Only work with an attorney that has experience in criminal law. While many attorneys claim to have the requisite experience, they may not be capable of handling your case. Just because an attorney has handled one or two criminal cases does not necessarily make them qualified to take your case. Furthermore, only choose an attorney that focuses a significant portion of their practice in criminal law.
Hire an attorney that knows the court system in your jurisdiction. The best criminal defense attorneys are those that know the judges, how the court system works, and has a good relationship with the prosecuting attorney. Oftentimes, attorneys who have this level of familiarity with the workings of the court are able to obtain concessions and other benefits for clients that an otherwise inexperienced attorney would miss.
Determine what qualities are important to you. Do you prefer to work with an attorney who is young and inexperienced but who is willing to make up for it through hard work? Or, would you prefer a lawyer who is a bit more costly but who is has good legal credentials? These are questions that you need to ask yourself when looking to hire an attorney. Each attorney has their own unique way of handling their cases. That is why it is important that you find with one that possesses the qualities you specifically want.
A Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney You Can Trust:
If you have been charged with a crime in Oklahoma, contact the Kania Law Office today at 918-743-2233 to schedule your initial case evaluation. We’ll examine all of the facts of your case and help you defend your constitutional rights. Don’t take chances with your legal defense. Get the legal advantage you need.
Tulsa's Local Criminal Defense Lawyers
Are you looking for Tulsa attorneys who will fight aggressively for you? Our team of criminal defense attorneys have the experience needed in Oklahoma law to secure the outcome you deserve.
Call us today for a free consultation 918-743-2233 or contact us online.