Holographic Wills in Oklahoma are valid if done correctly. Life expectancy in Oklahoma is 73 years old. A large percentage of people over the age of 65 do not have a valid will or trust in place. Sometimes, a will is put in handwriting before a person’s death though. This is legally a holographic will. Oklahoma recognizes holographic wills in estate division. However, to honor these types of wills, certain requirements must be met.
Holographic Will Requirements
While some people will print forms out on a computer and fill in the blanks, or others will just write it out on a piece of paper, holographic wills must meet certain criteria. These are:
- The will must be entirely in the hand-writing of the person making the will.
- The person making the will must date the will.
- The will must have the signature of the person making the will.
It is important to note that holographic wills do not have to be on a formal piece of paper. For example, when going through a loved one’s remaining belongings, you may find a will written in the front cover of a book. If this meets the criteria set out above, then you have a holographic will on your hands.
Litigating Holographic Wills
Oklahoma does legally recognize holographic wills. However, they are a source of contention for many heirs and families. Cases like this often result in leaving someone from the will who feels they have a rightful claim. Because holographic wills require no witnesses, an inherent distrust of their authenticity also exists. This often causes costly and bitter court battles.
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Our Tulsa Wills and Trust Lawyers Can Help You
We can help you and your family if you find yourself in a court battle over holographic wills in Oklahoma. Our attorneys have experience in estate planning and subsequent court cases. We recommend you have an official will set up before passing. But, if this is not the case, our skills are still available to help you mesh out your claim to an estate during your time of grieving. Estate planning help at 918.743.2233
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Are you looking for Tulsa attorneys who will fight aggressively for you? Our team of attorneys have the experience needed in Oklahoma law to secure the outcome you deserve.
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