What Is A Gun Trust in Oklahoma, And Why Do I Need One?

Gun Trust in Oklahoma

A gun trust in Oklahoma is a legal document commonly used in estate planning that helps to protect gun owners and their Second Amendment rights. A gun trust facilitates the lawful purchase, possession, and sale of class three weapons. Class three weapons include machine guns, submachine guns, suppressors or silencers, and other destructive devices. Like many other trusts, a gun…

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What Can Cause Probate Delays In Oklahoma?

Estate Planning and Inherited IRA

Probate delays in Oklahoma are frustrating. Probate is the Court’s process to distribute a deceased person’s estate. The probate process can be a difficult time for families. Emotions are running high, money is involved, and everyone is on edge. This article will describe some of the most common probate disputes and how these disputes might delay the probate process so…

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Oklahoma Adult Guardianship Lawyers in Tulsa

An Oklahoma adult guardianship is the means Courts use to allow an adult to handle the legal affairs of another adult. An adult guardianship is also know as a conservatorship. The two terms are the same and used interchangeably. The unfortunate truth is that as our society ages we find our-self needing an increased number of consevatorships. This is for…

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Oklahoma Charitable Lead Trust Lawyers

The type of trust you choose is important and there are many different choices. One type is the Oklahoma Charitable lead trust. This is an irrevocable trust that once established the donor will not be able to modify, terminate, or amend the terms of the trust. The purpose of a charitable lead trust is to provide support to one or…

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